Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day Seventy-Six: Worn and Weathered

The textures dominate here as the various woods from which this log outbuilding and its small shuttered window have all been made monochromatic from long years of weathering. 

And, like the subject of today's photo, I am a bit worn right now.  My abnormally busy schedule, coupled with the loss of an hour of sleep, have me exhausted.  Short post today so I can catch up on the backlog that's been steadily building behind me.  I need to clear the decks so that I can spend more time on my blog photos.  It's been more than a week since I've found more than 45 minutes to shoot on any day.  That just isn't enough time to really work on an image.  These days I've found myself shooting a lot of photos in a short period of time and then making something work back at the computer.  That isn't the way I like to work, but sometimes it's just the only way I can get the project photo of the day done.

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