Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day Fifty-Two: Self Portriat in the Park

It was a busy Sunday for us.  Molly and I had a lot of shopping to do for costume week at her school  She'll be dressing up as her favorite character on Tuesday, what she wants to be when she grows up on Wednesday, and it's 60's on Thursday.  That's a lot of costumes to pull together in a hurry.  Plus, she had a birthday party to go to in Chapel Hill this afternoon. 

While she was at the birthday party, I went off to take a self portrait for today's post.  Took a bunch and chose this one, set in a park in Chapel Hill not far from the party.  Sunlight was streaming through the trees from behind me and so I needed to add a little light on the front of me to stand out from the background. 

It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm (FINALLY) and I'd been carrying lights and stands arond in my trunk the last month but it was nearly always too cold and/or windy to break them out and light a self portrait...something I was doing a lot of last year before I started this project and found myself in the midddle of unquestionably the coldest winter I've seen in my 13 years here in North Carolina.

So I knew all day I was going to find a place to take a self portrait.

Strobist:  SB800 at 1/2 power in a small (Lumiquest SBIII) softbox camera left at 30 degrees.  It's set up just above head height to let it fall off on the lower half of me. 

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