Friday, February 5, 2010

Day Thirty-Six: Head in Hand


This is a photo of a stature we've had around our various houses for the last 12 years.  It's always been a conversation piece of sorts, and I've photographed it a number of times over the years.  I used a very classic lighting, using just the beauty dish high and and right in front of the statue.  You can tell by the way the light drives the shadow of the nose directly down.  This is called butterfly lightting and it's the same lighting used in the Mona Lisa. 

My goal was to try and produce a 3-D effect.  It was a rather long process to work the image to this state, and while I'm fairly happy with it, it falls short of my vision for it.  I usually try to keep my post processing to a minimum, or at least toward a realistic (if slightly poppy) rendition of colors and tones.  But another goal of mine in doing this project is to improve my post processing skills and that includes using creative effects.  I think I can do better in processing this image to get what I pictured.  But not tonight.  It's late.
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