We got a dusting of snow overnight not amounting to more than a couple of inches, and that only on the grass. The streets were clear and that made getting around easy. The storm that brought the snow overnight was clearing slowly throughout the morning, making for dramatic light at times. I will post several more photos to the main blog (but not until tomorrow at the earliest).
The image I chose for today is not dramatically lit. The lighting is fairly flat and the sky is gray and slightly ominous looking. But I love the strong contrast of the bright snow and dark trees and paths. The path crossing low in the scene helps to define the main subject and give it some extra separation from the background. The path on the right side of the image brings they eye deep into the image's vanishing point which is just a bit off center low and left. This invites the viewer deeper into the scene than the image itself can deliver.
I am quite proud of this image (to toot my own horn). I have never been much of a landscape photographer. Shooting for this project, landscapes have been a frequent subject of my work on a nearly daily basis. Though not too many have made it to the blog (like I said, I've never been very good at the genre) I am seeing progress in my attempts and here, I've produced the kind of photograph I see in my head when I look at a landscape scene, but only rarely am able to produce in an image.
I hope you like it too. Til tomorrow....
Please check out my main blog: http://bmcportraits.wordpress.com/
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