I chose this to be the image for today the moment I took it. It is SOOC (straight out of camera). I saw it, and it spoke to me a million little ways. I wanted to capture it on the chip just exactly the way I saw it with my own eyes. Like back in the days of shooting slides...you nailed it or you didn't. No fixes. Of course digital images are so maleable. Too much so for my taste really. We are taught to "shoot to the right" over exposing (but not clipping highlights) images to capture the most digital information possible. But I don't want to capture digital information...I want to capture things that speak to me.
I confess that there are days (some that show, some better hidden) when I work hard on a marginal capture to make a bloggable photograph. Every day isn't easy. I look back at the accumulation from start to present (and you can see it that way if you go to my
365 set in Flickr) and I know the days I cheated. One or two of my cheats have actually proved to be among the most popular of my posts. Not sure how to feel about that?!?
But today, this image grabbed me the moment I saw it and I made sure to get it just the way I saw it.
I struggled for a long time trying to come up with the right title. And, as you can see, eventually gave up. I thought of calling it "the unbearable lightness of being," "higher plane," "Up," -- or something Valentinesy like "Billy Bob Loves Rita."
But none of those quite fit. I see this image as one of hope, and possibility. Of serenity and stillness. Of journey and ascension. It tells me that there is beauty to be found both here and there at the end of the ladder. And it speaks of respite at the end of what has been a somewhat chaotic week for me.
And all that's just too much to put in a title. But if you feel you want to have something to call this image, I'd go with "Billy Bob Loves Rita."
Please check out my main blog: http://bmcportraits.wordpress.com/
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