Molly performed a magic act in her school's talent show this morning. I took pictures at the event, but also wanted to get a picture of her as "The Amazing Molly" for the project.
I shot this photo with a new (to me) lens. The Nikon 24-70mm 2.8. It is one of the finest lenses made today, and of all time. It's been my tradition since I started taking pictures seriously again about 2 years ago that I christen every new lens (and camera) I get with a picture of Molly. And today was no exception.
Short and sweet today. Til tomorrow...
Strobist: Alien Bees 800 with a 20 degree grid camera left at abount 30 degrees. Set to 1/4 power. Fill is from Alien Bees 800 in 22 in AB beauty dish, on axis and just above the lens set to 1/16th power. Here the fill is only 2/3 of a stop under exposed and the gridded key serves more like a broad kicker, bringing up the exposures on the face, hat and wand.
Please check out my main blog:
Food as Art: Image Review Six
2 months ago
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