I've been trying to think about the photo I'd use to start this project. Our New Year's Day tradition around here is to tackle the clutter. We spent the morning and early afternoon organizing the storage area and the garage, with a little cleaning up in the studio as well. I thought about trying to photograph that process, but wanted to get it done and get it behind me and then turn to taking the kick-off photo. I gave some thought to going down town, and to a host of other locations, but in the end I decided to just take a self portrait of me relaxing, beer in hand, after finishing our organizational mission for the day. I know it's been noted that a journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step. My journey of 365 days, apparently, starts sitting down. Who knew?
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About the Lighting: Went with just natural light for this shot. The sun is setting from camera left and behind the studio. Light is being bounced in from a 4' x 8' silver panel camera left and a 40in silver Westcott reflector is kicking a little extra on me from camera right, held by Molly.