One of the primary goals of this project for me is to photograph subjects that are not within my usual work. Mostly I shoot well lit people, whether kids, friends, or myself. So today I took my cameras (my D300 and my daughter's point and shoot Canon SD750) and went off in search of interesting compositions of line and form. I shot in black and white on both cameras (though I shot raw too on the D300). My goal was to find a strong composition based on line, shadow and found-framing.
I have to admit that I'm not the best judge of this type of photo. I look at the work done by others and am inspired...but when I shoot my own attempts at this genre, I am often conflicted as to whether or not I like the photo. This entry is no exception. What I do like is that I set a goal for the day's photo and I executed and that is a big big part of what I want to get out of this project.
I'd love to hear your comments. Thanks.
I've posted a few other candidates from the day's shooting to my Flickr stream. You can see them here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bmcphoto/sets/72157623124995328
The flickr black and whites photo of the archway was fantastic! Mabye it will make the cut later in the year.