I went for a walk at lunchtime around my building and the adjoining one...now empty due to the struggling economy. I had my "real" camera in the car and just took the Canon point-n-shoot (which is technically Molly's) and took shots in the full harsh light of the afternoon. Looking for contrast and color. Walking along the backside of the vacant building, I came across this arrangement on the wall and took the picture because I liked the minimalist composition. The one drawback of shooting with the point-n-shoot for a high contrast shot is that the JPG it creates is not as workable as a raw file would be. So I had to go a little beyond my usual post processing.
To me (and to my wife, who first mentioned it) it lloks like an alien landscape. The conduit, spigot, and rust stain on the lower wall looks like a person (to me, a shepherd with staff; to my wife, something from Star Wars). Wish I could say that I saw the potential when I took the image...but it took a lot of post processing to get to this point. I did like the simplicity and strength of the composition and it's component parts...and in the end, was rewarded with a happy accident.
Strobist: Natural light. LR, CS4, OnOne Phototools 2
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