When I started this project, I really thought it would make me a better photographer to go through the experience. But honestly, I've found just the opposite to be the case. Instead of working on producing an image each day that is the result of planning, previsualization, and execution, I find that I don't have the time to do things that way. Many evenings, I sit here sifting through a bunch of hastily taken images and try to find one that works-- that can be processed at least to the point of being postable.
Even on the days when I have time to really plan and execute an image, the drag of the daily grind eats into it and I don't seem to have the energy to work at making an image the way I want to. I know I've produced some images that people like, but I've produced few that I am proud to have made. And I just can't continue, settling for mediocrity just to get it done. That wasn't what I set out to do, and it isn't something that I can keep doing. It takes too much effort and that effort is being directed at expediency and not at creating the kind of photos I want to make.
So I am going to shut this project down, go back to shooting the way I used to...trying to work at my craft and make good images. Trying to improve as a photographer.
I appreciate all the support I've gotten from so many of you. And I am sorry I am not able to continue. But I'd rather have people reading my main blog, where I post only images I want to share...not just the best of a mediocre roundup each day. The link to the main blog is below. I don't post there daily, but will post at least once a week. Please subscribe there and stay with me.
Thanks. Brian
Please check out my main blog: http://bmcportraits.wordpress.com/
Food as Art: Image Review Six
2 months ago
remember brother....genius is 99% perspiration, and only 1% inspiration. i'm behind you whatever you decide.