Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day Sixty-Eight: A New Perspective

This is another long term photo subject of mine.  I've photographed this (always empty) swing many times over the last few years.  But the composition has always been the same...and boring.  Then today, it was the reflection of the tree across the lake that got my attention.  So I composed to capture that, and got this image.  Nothing extraordinary about it on its face.  But it shows me that I am learning to look more closely, even at the familiar. 

It's been a crazy week...with more craziness just ahead through a long weekend family event.  It's time (more than drive) that is lacking right now.  Took this on the way home from work, posted, then eating dinner and off to a meeting this evening.  But I've made it 68 days without a miss so far, and have a little more time (and an idea for) tomorrow.  See you then.

Please check out my main blog: http://bmcportraits.wordpress.com/

1 comment:

  1. i know that this one was a rush job, but i really like it. you're right, the opposing tree makes the shot.
